Thursday, October 20, 2011

Tools that change the way we think

The extensive use of technology of today’s era makes our society as a whole lazier. We don’t challenge ourselves as we would if technology was more of a rarity. As a high school student most of us on some assignments can slack off and use the internet as a quick out to get a good grade. It’s easy to type something into Google, read the first few links and get what you need within a few minutes. But with that said some sights provide incorrect information or can be accessible to the public giving people access to alter the information. Technology leaves more room for procrastination because now everything is about getting something done in efficient time, why drag out the research process when technology cuts down the time immensely. If technology disappeared I honestly don’t think this generation would really know what to do with themselves. It provides thousands of distractions such as Face book , which is a way of how teens now connect with others and makes communication easier just as text messaging has also done.

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